We link waste streams in ways that are seldom achieved
Enesys assists Waste Producers, W2E Suppliers and Project Managers, Waste Management Companies, Local and Regional Government, Industry Bodies, Developers Banks, Investors and Financial Institutions to independently assess the feasibility and options for Waste Recovery, Waste Management and Waste to Energy Projects.Enesys also offers Planning, Procurement, Contract Management, Design, Construction, Automation and Project Management for Waste and Waste to Energy Projects.
We can work with you in a one role only capacity or be your supporting engineers every way through the project.
Getting your waste project RIGHT
- We help future facility owners, investors, developers, operators and builders in comprehensive modelling, feasibility, planning, design and procurement
- We can project manage the project on behalf of clients and or suppliers, supporting their vision all the way through.
- With facilities that engage several contracts, we can consult as the Engineering Procurement Contract management
- We can offer, additional considerations and linking technologies for your project that may not have been thought of such as growing.
Competitive Advantage
- Use Enesys expertise and consultancy to help your firm win that contract.
- We help W2E suppliers achieve the most our of their project in offering Enesys unique W2E modelling processes and Enesys expertise on a contracting basis
- We help by providing expert waste, energy, technical, economic, linking opportunity and sustainable modelling.
- Enesys W2E modelling offers exact energy outputs from an extensively comprehensive list of organic and high lignin waste streams, which will make your project less risky, save money, save time and provides possibilities you may not have considered.
Enesys can work with you on one, many or all these processes to ensure your waste or waste to energy project is a success
- Waste source/ project evaluation and assessment.
- W2E Options- waste and energy output evaluation.
- Site evaluation and assessment.
- Indpendent technology assessment.
- Feasibility- Technical, Economic, Business Case, ROI, Energy
- Technical Due Diligence
- Risk Assessment
- Opportunity Assessment.
- Proposal Evaluations.
- Contract negotiations
- Concept Design- Conceptual
- Concept Design- technical specifications.
- Quote Assessments.
- Engineering- Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Chemical.
- Linking Technologies.
- Contract Management.
- Financing, Preparation and Sourcing.
- Independent Supervision- Design, Construction and Commissioning
- Project Management
- Procurement
- Design, Construction and Commissioning,
- Automation and Control
- Site Management
- Ongoing Technical Support
- Automation Management.
The team at Enesys has over 35 years of experience in working within the waste, energy, waste to energy and agricultural sectors. We have experience in Waste Energy Recycling. Biogas. Biomass. Syngas Production and Distribution Trigeneration Energy, Energy from Waste, Co2 Capture Energy storage Natural GasYears of research and development has gone into developing unique modelling, systems, processes and technologies to ensure our client's projects are completed in the smartest, fastest and most efficient ways possible.We have a long history of providing electrical, mechanical and process control engineering services across these industries and more. We are experienced project managers and our long-standing loyal relationships with our suppliers enable us to procure the best equipment at the best prices and forward these savings onto our customers
Projects/ Clients
- Australian Agricultural Centre- Brewery waste to energy. Waste, Financial and Technical Feasibility.
- RepurposeIt. Organic Waste to Energy Infrastructure. Financial and Technical Feasibility.
- Melbourn Innovation Centre and Sustainability Victoria. Waste to Energy to Growing. Environmental, Financial, Technical Feasibility.
- E Agri Industries. Organics Waste to Food. Financial and Technical Feasibility.
- WRS. Algae Production and Processing Project. Financial and Technical Feasibility.
- BASF Catotenoids, Cheltenham Waste Neutralisation Project. Design and Construction.
- Cognis Australia. Neta Carotene, Decantation Recovery Project. Design and Construction.
- Geelong Water Board, Wool Scouring Plant, Corio. Design and Construction.
- Melbourne Water- South Eastern Purification Plant, Digesters E7 and E8. Feasibility Study.
HEATLINKHeatLink is a packaged device that enables the transfer of heat (and by inference chilled) energy from one process to another.Enesys’s HeatLink, as a control concept, utilises CubeLink and can be packaged in any thermal size and retrofitted between traditionally unlinked processes to save energy costs and improve ecological sustainability.
ICECUBEIceCube is a packaged control product based on CubeLink that can be applied to any form of chilled energy storage (including liquids, solids or PCMs). It is designed to accept the delivery of waste or surplus chilled energy from HeatLink or an independent source of waste chilled energy and return the stored chilled energy at a later time to HeatLink or an independent consumer of chilled energy. It can report instantaneous incoming and outgoing energy flows and the current chilled energy storage level.
HEATCUBEHeatCube is a packaged control product based on CubeLink that can be applied to any form of heat storage (including liquids, solids or PCMs). It is designed to accept the delivery of waste or surplus heat from HeatLink or an independent source of waste heat and return the stored heat at a later time to HeatLink or an independent consumer of heat energy. It can report instantaneous incoming and outgoing energy flows and the current energy storage level.
HeatLink Can:
- Recover waste heat from a home air conditioner and use that wasted energy to heat the household’s hot water service, swimming pool or spa for free. HeatLink operates unnoticed in the background with whatever gas or electric hot water services are installed to reduce their home energy costs and consumption of fossil fuels.
- Recover waste heat from a vegetable packaging company’s freezer and use the free heat to blanch their vegetables or for hot water washdown.
- Work as a sustainable solution in any industry where refrigeration and heating coexist on the same site.
- Be applied across two or more neighbouring industries so they can cooperate operationally and economically, where one is purchasing a lot of energy for a heating process while another has a large cooling process.
IceCube Can:
- Store waste chilled energy from a home air conditioner that is heating a room or the whole house during a cold night (or a heat pump hot water system) using HeatLink and return the free chilled energy to the house during a hot day using conventional hydronic heating systems.
- Increase the thermal mass and temperature stability of a greenhouse by storing waste chilled energy during a cold night sourced by a HeatLinked air-conditioning system that’s heating the greenhouse and return the free chilled energy to the greenhouse during the day through the hydronic radiators
HeatCube Can:
- Store waste heat from a home air conditioner that is cooling a room or the whole house a hot day using HeatLink, and then return the free heat to the house on a chilly night using conventional hydronic heating systems or provide hot water.
- Increase the thermal mass and temperature stability of a greenhouse by storing waste heat during the day, sourced by conventional cooling hydronic radiators or a HeatLinked air-conditioning system, and return the free heat to the greenhouse overnight through the same hydronic radiators.